Simple Goal Setting for the New Year

As we step into the new year, it's the perfect time to set simple and achievable goals that can pave the way for a healthier and more fulfilling life. One effective method for goal setting is the W.O.O.P technique – Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan. Let's delve into this approach using a real-life example and explore how to make January a month of transformation.

The Goal:

My main goal for January is to walk for 20 minutes, six days a week. Admittedly, I'm not a fan of walking, but this year, I'm determined to change my mindset and embrace the numerous benefits it offers.

W.O.O.P Breakdown:

1. Wish - Affirmation:

My affirmation to reinforce my commitment is, "I love walking and how it makes me feel." Affirmations serve as powerful reminders of our aspirations, helping to shape a positive mindset.

2. Outcome - Visualizing Success:

At the end of January, I envision feeling proud for conquering something I've avoided for so long. Not only will I have achieved a personal milestone, but I anticipate an overall boost in my wellness and mental well-being.

3. Obstacle - Commitment Strategies:

To ensure I stay committed, I've enlisted the support of an accountability partner, Kelly West. Knowing I have someone to share my progress with holds me responsible and motivated.

4. Plan - Daily and Weekly Rewards:

Breaking the goal into smaller parts helps maintain focus and provides motivation along the way.

- Daily: My second cup of coffee will be a post-walk treat, creating a positive association with my daily exercise routine.

- Weekly: Setting specific weekly rewards keeps the momentum going. This week, my reward is ordering takeout one extra time, alleviating the burden of cooking dinner.

- Monthly: The ultimate reward for achieving my goal throughout January is treating myself to a well-deserved massage. This not only reinforces the positive behavior but also offers a tangible and enjoyable outcome.

As you embark on your journey this January, consider adopting the W.O.O.P method for goal setting. What's your one goal for the month, and why is it important to you? Reflect on the outcomes you anticipate, identify potential obstacles, and create a plan with daily, weekly, and monthly rewards. Whether it's developing a new habit, like walking, or tackling a professional challenge, this approach can be adapted to various aspects of your life. Make January a month of focused and intentional growth, setting the tone for a year filled with accomplishments and personal development.

So, what is your one goal for the month? Why do you want to reach that goal? What will your rewards be? Check out my wellness supplements shopping list to start your year off well.